Saturday, June 14, 2008

They're Here

Ok, first off, everyone is here safely. I think the flights went off without a hitch, and everyone and their luggage has arrived. Today we went through the ordeal of checking 50 something people into this hotel, which actually went very smoothly. We all walked to a resaurant and had hot dogs and fries. When we got back, played some silly games, divided them up into their work crews. and did some crew training. Tonight they'll go to dinner with their work crews, and then come back for Worship, church group devotions, and then nighty night. Tomorrow is Church with the local congregation at the seminary. Then we'll train all afternoon. Please be prayerful that our everyone gets the rest they need, and that our training goes smoothly. I spoke too soon about our work sites, as a door was closed at one site. Please be in prayer for Scott Liddell's crew as they have to shift gears with their ministry. I will hopefully post some pics tomorrow from today and tomorow.

Ciao, (That's Chow)


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