Wednesday, March 26, 2008

International World Changers 2008
Montevideo, Uruguay
Ministry Plan

Montevideo is the largest city and the capital of Uruguay. The city’s population accounts for about half the population of the country. It is a beautiful city located on the banks of the Rio de la Plata delta, which is approximately 125 miles wide and resembles a seashore. Uruguay is the second smallest country in South America, and is situated between Argentina to the south, and Brazil to the north. Uruguay was founded as a buffer area to keep Brazil and Argentina separate.

Our Missionaries

Paul and Pam Sheaffer, (no he did not play piano for the Tonight Show), and their daughter Kaitlyn, will serve as our hosts while we are in Montevideo. Paul serves as the Field Volunteer Strategy Representative for Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia, but lives in Montevideo. Paul is also the creator of G.A.P, (Gospel Advancement Program), which we will be using during our project in Montevideo. Please visit their blog at

The following will help you understand the culture of Uruguay, as you prepare for your ministry in Montevideo:
Driving: What are the lines on the road for?
Eating: If you love meat, you’ll love Uruguay. Main foods: meat, meat, meat, oh yes …pasta, pizza, bread, fish, and “salad”.
The Kiss: Almost everyone greets everyone with a kiss on the cheek! (actually in the air). Yes, men with men. Meetings are often stopped for latecomers to kiss everyone in the room.
Mate (ma-teh): An herbal drink that almost every Uruguayan enjoys. Google It.
Education: Uruguay has the highest literacy rate in all of South America. Public schools, colleges, and universities are completely free. Graduating from high school (liceo) is not easy…usually takes 2 to 5 years longer than in the states.
Religion: Freedom of religion is cherished and protected. Separation of church and state is strictly enforced. Uruguayans are post-modern in their thinking. “Religion may be good for you, but do not push your beliefs on me.” More open to mystical religions than traditional faiths.
Sports-FUTBOL-with a round ball.
Government: Democracy. 3 Branches of government, Legislative (house and senate), Executive (president and vice-president), and Judicial. Recent increase in power for socialist party. President – Tabare Vazquez (socialist)


GAP stands for “Gospel Advancement Project”. It is a gospel saturation ministry designed specifically for an urban setting. Its goal is to place the Gospel of John (and/or other evangelistic materials) in every household along the coast of Montevideo to the coastal city of Punta del Este, and to provide a clear presentation of the Gospel to these areas.

The Four Waves of GAP

Prayer Walking
Scripture Distribution (goal 2000 to 5000)
Marketplace Evangelism
Evangelistic Events

Putting it all together

Ultimate goal – lead people to Jesus Christ and start NEW works.
People will hopefully be a part of Comunidad Cristiana.
Follow-up is key – pray that we will find “people of peace” to help in establishing new work in your target zone.

IWC Uruguay Proposed Ministry Activities

Many of you may not be familiar with International World Changers. So at this point before I go into the actual ministry activities, I think I’ll give you rough outline of how this thing called IWC works. We will have church groups and individuals from all over the US. We anticipate about 60 people participating in this project. Participants, (adults and students), will be divided into Crews, based on where an individual will best fit into a certain crews needs. We try to have at least two participants from a particular church group on a crew so there will be some familiarity. We will have approximately 6 crews with, you guessed it, roughly 10 people per crew. Participants will very quickly become close to their crew mates, and form a cohesive group.

Each crew will participate in two activities during their ministry days. In the morning every crew will proceed to a certain geographical area within walking distance of the hotel and participate in GAP, (see above). You will be receiving training over email as well as live training after you arrive in Montevideo. After lunch each crew will proceed to their afternoon ministry site. Our proposed afternoon ministries include:
Nursing home ministry, which could include bible study, relationship building, and light construction. Please lose any and all pre conceived notions about what a nursing home is. This will not be like any you are familiar with.
Sports Club ministry, which could include light construction, general clean-up, community ministry, sports ministry, or bible study.
Street Ministry, which will include performing The Redeemer drama, as well as ministry surveys, and personal testimony time.
Kid’s clubs, which will look very much like a VBS, or back yard Bible club.
School Ministry, which could include, English as a second language, personal testimony time, and relationship ministry.
An Evangelistic Event. This is the culmination of GAP. We hope that it will take the form of a party or coffee shop event that will draw people in and allow for a clear presentation of the Gospel. This location will then hopefully serve as the initial meeting place for a new cell church.

As time goes forward we will continue to refine these activities. In the future you will be receiving additional information regarding The Redeemer drama, information to help you to prepare for the afternoon ministry activities, as well as some supplies that we may ask you to bring. I will also be letting you known about what goodies and supplies that the missionaries might need or that they can’t get in Uruguay. Please check out the websites listed above, (or below), and feel free to contact me regarding any ministry questions. You can reach me at 901-606-3455 or can email me at

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Half of your IWC Uruguay staff:

L-R: Jim Hutchison-Ministry Coordinator, Paul Scheaffer-Field Representative, and Cliff Norville-Project Coordinator


Welcome to the inaugural post to the International World Changers Uruguay "official" blog. The purpose of this site is to provide anyone and everyone associated with the upcoming IWC project in Montevideo, Uruguay, the latest information regarding the project. Please come back often and post comments relating to the project.