Sunday, June 15, 2008

Greetings from Uruguay!

Hello everyone! First off thank you so much for your prayers this week. Also thank you for those who prayed especially for me, I am feeling much better.

OK on to the update....this morning we went to the local church for worship. It was such a blessing to worship with another body of believers. Praises in two different languages were being lifted to the same God. It was such a beautiful time of praise and worship, even though we could only understand about half of it, God was moving. Where two or three are gathered He will be there. We were challenged to be intentional this week in making relationships and using our lives as the only sermon that some of the people of Uruguay will ever hear.
All of us walking to church. (not standing out at all)

The churches worship team

The pastor (on the right) and Lyle our translator. Chase leaading one song in English.

This afternoon the groups are spending lots of time in training for the week. They have already had a lesson in culture and how not to offend the people here. Some learned that lesson the hard way at lunch on Saturday by drinking from the bottle and not the glass :) Now they are in what we are lovingly calling Redeemer Palooza where they are learning how to present the drama presentation of Gospel called Redeemer. It will be a wonderful way to present the Gospel to the people of Uruguay this week. Please pray for them to have clarity as they are trying to remember how to do everything they are learning this drama.

Thank you so much for your prayers. More updates to come!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can you re-post the first picture? I can't click on it to see it bigger like I can the others. Thanks!